Hi, I’m Sophie! I’m a Middle Tennessee musician, artist, and gardener.

Family Vacation to Maui

Family Vacation to Maui

This summer I went on my first trip to Maui with my family. Here is a list of my favorite places to hike, shop, and explore on the island. Enjoy!


Front Street

There’s plenty to see and do along Front Street! This bustling seaside market is a popular tourist attraction known for its shops, restaurants, coffee houses, and art galleries. My favorite was seeing the massive banyon tree of Lahaina, which was planted in 1873.

The Banyon Tree on Front Street

The Banyon Tree on Front Street

Lahaina Pali Trail

Located right off Lahaina Highway, this five-mile hike was absolutely gorgeous!

Looking out at Kaho’olawe

Looking out at Kaho’olawe

Fruit Stand

After the dusty hike, we stopped at a fruit stand along Lahaina Highway and bought a coconut. The fresh coconut milk was sooo good!


Fresh cocoanut from a fruit stand along Lahaina Highway

Haleakala National Park

This park was my absolute favorite. The volcano is considered one of the world’s largest dormant volcanoes, and its summit reaches 10,023 feet above sea level. The drive to the top of the mountain was just as unique as the volcano itself. As we climbed in elevation, we passed through six of the world’s fourteen climate zones. It was curious feeling to go from lush jungle to high-altitude desert wasteland in a matter of minutes!

The top of the mountain was the best of all. Surrounded by a sea of clouds, we could see and hear for miles. The windless hush of the place gave everything a sort of reverence. I felt as if I was on another planet. Here’s a great article for more about Haleakala National Park.

Looking into the crater

On top of the world

On top of the world


Where land meets sky

Ali’i Kula Lavender Farm

On our way back from Haleakala, we stopped at the Ali’i Kula Lavender Farm. I loved the quaint gardens and coffeeshop. And the views… they were spectacular!

Andrew and my dad enjoying a view from Ali’i Kula Lavender Farm

Kula Botanical Garden

Visiting this botanical garden was one my favorite stops from the whole trip. There were endless varieties of tropical flowers from around the world. I could have stayed all day to take pictures!

I have no idea what kind of orchid this is, but I couldn’t get enough of them!

Orchids at Kula Botanical Garden


Jackson’s chameleon outside the visitor’s center

Road to Hana

The Road to Hana is a sixty-six mile, two-lane road that winds along the coastal mountains of western Maui. There seemed to be a waterfall around every bend, and the views were extraordinary! There was not a dull moment along the entire route.

A view from the road

My mom is trying to find just the “ripe” one.

My mom at a fruit stand along the Road to Hana

A cool plant growing near a waterfall. Any idea what it is?

Garden of Eden

On our way back from Hana, we stopped at another botanical garden called The Garden of Eden. This twenty-six acre botanical garden and arboretum has hundreds of species of trees, flowers, shrubs, and vines from around the world—all conveniently labeled for a self-guided tour.

A view from the Garden of Eden

A view from the Garden of Eden

Iou Valley State Monument

On our final day in Maui, we visited this famous site near Kahuliu. We got to see the Iou “Needle,” which rises twelve hundred feet above the valley floor. The park is rich in history as well as beauty.

The Iou “Needle” rises up in the background.

View of the Iou “Needle”



This bustling, quaint town is packed with art galleries, restaurants, boutiques, and more. Give yourself a couple of hours or half a day to explore the town, and don’t forget a sunhat! Here are some of my favorite stops:

Better Things Coffee

Grab a frothy latte and a scone at this affordable coffee shop on Baldwin Avenue. The atmosphere here made me want to create things.

Sarah Voyer

I am completely enthralled with her watercolor paintings!

Maui Hands

This art gallery had paintings, prints, gourds, metal crafts, ceramics, wood crafts, soaps, and more. I could have spent hours in there just milling around!

Mana Foods

The prices and the variety here was THE BEST! We found fresh produce, rows of ice cream flavors, freshly-baked breads and cakes, specialty teas and coffees, souvenirs, and so much more! There is enough variety to accommodate everyone’s food preferences.

Although the island was beautiful, the time spent with my family was the best of all. :)

Here’s the happy fam. :) Wish the older two kids could have been there!

From left: Andrew, me, my dad (Jeb), and my mom (Val)

Thanks for reading!

Sunset from Kaanapali

My First Skydive

My First Skydive

May Prairie Wildflower Hike

May Prairie Wildflower Hike