Hi, I’m Sophie! I’m a Middle Tennessee musician, artist, and gardener.

Pounce's Morning Ritual

Pounce's Morning Ritual

We all have our morning routines—including Pounce. But his morning routine is more than a routine—it’s a ritual.

At seven o’clock, Pounce has just encountered Jingle Bell at the food bowl. Encountering Jingle Bell at the food bowl is bound to put anyone in a rambunctious mood.

To let off some steam, Pounce begins violently rubbing on everything in sight—wood posts, plants, chairs, and ankles. The rubbing turns into biting, and the biting turns into kicking.

Pretty soon, Pounce flops down under the balcony railing and begins pulling himself along the bottom rail at top speed.

Never trust Pounce when he has that expression on his face.

Never trust Pounce when he has that expression on his face.

Eventually, Pounce reaches the end of his runway and encounters The Flower Pot. It’s there every day just to inconvenience him, so Pounce must take his revenge on the plant.

Pounce taking revenge on the plant.

Pounce taking revenge on the plant.

Once the plant is thoroughly punished, Pounce gallops back down the entire length of the balcony and begins the process all over again.

Pounce pulling himself along the balcony railing.

Pounce pulling himself along the balcony railing.

Pounce’s morning ritual takes anywhere from five to twenty minutes, and it works for him to let off steam. What if we all adopted his habits?

The end.

The end.

Cedar Glades Wildflower Festival

Cedar Glades Wildflower Festival

Native Plant Sale

Native Plant Sale