Hi, I’m Sophie! I’m a Middle Tennessee musician, artist, and gardener.

Self Portrait in Charcoal

Self Portrait in Charcoal

Charcoal on Stonehenge paper, 9x12”

The Subject

Recently I have been learning about chiaroscuro: the contrast of lights and darks in a composition. Chiaroscuro originated in Italy in the sixteenth century, and the word literally means “light-dark.” I found the topic quite fascinating, so I decided to give it a go based off a picture I took of myself.

The Process

I did this drawing “from the inside out.” Instead of starting with white paper and adding darker values, I tried the opposite approach: starting with a dark background and erasing the light areas to create shapes.

To make the black background, I applied an even layer of vine charcoal over the whole paper. Using a tissue, I “scrubbed” in a circular motion until the paper looked like I chalkboard. I did this twice more until I was sure the background was dark enough.

I used a kneaded eraser to “sculpt” in the light areas. Once I was satisfied with the overall shape of the form, I began adding the darkest darks with compressed charcoal. I used tissues, Q-tips, and tortillions (white blender sticks) for the skin and hair. I used my handy dandy kneaded eraser again to add finishing highlights to the hair, lips, and eyes. The entire process took about an hour and a half.

PS. My first attempt at this ended up in the trash. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Better to try and fail and try again than to never try.

Sandhill Crane Paddle in Acrylic

Sandhill Crane Paddle in Acrylic

Carolina Lily in Watercolor

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